❄️ Snow Day CalculatorAI ❄️

How much snow typically causes schools to close in your area

Upcoming Snow Forecast

What is Snow Day Calculator?

Snow Day Calculator AI is a tool that estimates when schools might close due to heavy snowfall. It mainly uses weather forecasts from the United States and Canada. The tool analyzes data like temperature, wind, humidity, and road conditions through its algorithm to predict the chances of a snow day.

It not only provides predictions for upcoming snow days but also gives snowfall updates for the next five days.

The top three countries with the heaviest snowfall are Japan, Canada, and the United States. Many cities in these countries experience significant snow, and if the snow on the road reaches 3 to 12 inches, schools are usually closed. However, in some northern states, the snow threshold for school closures is higher, at 8 to 12 inches or more.

How to Use the Tool?

We’ve made the Snow Day Prediction Tool very simple to use. Users can enter their area’s zip code or city name along with the snow threshold for school closures. The tool then shows which days have a high chance of heavy snowfall.

Check for the United States

Snow Day Prediction for united states

Check for Canada

Snow Day Prediction for canada

How Accurate Is Our Forecast?

In the backend, we use trusted weather data from the National Weather Service, Open-Meteo Weather API, and OpenWeatherMap.org. This allows us to gather information from multiple reliable weather forecast sources.

Our algorithm then analyzes past school closure history and timing using this trusted weather data to provide accurate and estimated snow day predictions.